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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

16 Awesome Fictional Firearms

16 Awesome Fictional Firearms

The Golden Gun.jpg
In real life, guns are cool if you're a private detective or a sporting marksmen. But most of the time kids are always shooting themselves or trying to hold up liquor stores or something, and that sucks. In the movies, however, guns are awesome. In science fiction movies, they're even more awesome and make for some amazing prop replicas. Anything goes in the realm of sci-fi firearms and many pieces completely ignore the laws that govern actual projectile-firing weapons. Early examples of the fictional guns are the heat-ray featured in H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds (1898) and several weapons from A.E. von Vogt's short The Weapon Shop (1942), which featured "express rifles" made of "viridescent magnesitic beryllium." Now in 2010, the futuristic weapons we see on screen are probably above and beyond what Wells imagined and as CGI advances, so does the destruction. So wave your rayguns in the air as we look at the cream of the fictional firearms cache.

16) Men in Black's Noisy Cricket 
Noisy Cricket.jpg
The unassuming "little midgy cricket" given to Jay packs the most punch per inch of all the guns on the list. Perfect for battling one of the many aliens of Manhattan. Available on eBay for 25 bucks.

15) Captain Mal's Pistol 
Firefly - Mal's Pistol.jpg
A sleek design allowing for easy access down Badger's throat, Mal's pistol combines a Taurus Model 85 small-frame revolver with the future frontier. Firefly's premier firearm is one any smuggler would love at their side. Its official title: "Moses Brothers Self-Defense Engine Frontier Model B" is kind of cheeky and annoying in true Whedon fashion, but that doesn't take away from the gun's overall sexiness.

14) Han Solo's DL-44 Heavy Blaster 
Han Solo DL-44.jpg
The galaxy's most infamous rogue can't just pack any old blaster. Hell naw. Han's weapon of choice is the DL-44, a blaster famous for being able to penetrate Stormtrooper armor and being outlawed by the Empire for this reason. In real life, the blaster's design is based off the German Mauser C96 pistol, used in World War I by both the Germans and Ottomans. Maybe if their version featured an air cooling vent, power pack, and an enhanced scope, they wouldn't have had their asses handed to them by the Allies. Tough luck, Krauts!

13) The Phaser 
Star Trek Phaser.jpg
Small enough to fit into a user's palm, Star Trek's iconic phaser pistol is one of the handiest of the weapons on this list. It can stun multiple targets or simply "vanish" them, but can also be used as a welding or cutting torch and to heat up material. Great for camping trips on the Rogue Planet! Phasers can also be set to overload; generating enough unreleased energy to destroy objects within a 50-yard radius. I've heard they also work as chick magnets.

12) District 9's Arc Gun 

Feel the burn with Arc Gun -- a seriously badass piece of non-human weaponry the Multi-National United will do anything to figure out. This puppy uses a massive charge of electricity to shoot what is essentially a bolt of lightning; heating up the target to the point of molecular expansion. As Wikus discovers through his tragic transformation, the gun works only with an alien hand. A seriously awesome design.

11) The Acme Disintegrator Gun 
ACME Disintegrator.jpg
A favorite firearm of Marvin the Martian, the ACME (A Company that Makes Everything) Disintegrator Gun packed a whallop. Although Marvin was usually at arms with Duck Dodgers, even the nigh-invulnerable Bugs lost his tail to the gun once or twice.

10) Robocop's Auto-9
Robocop Auto-9.jpg
Officer Alex. J. Murphy's Auto-9 is just the weapon to take on the aggressive, futuristic urban environment... '80s style. This standard-issue Beretta from Hell fires a three-shot burst every time the trigger is pulled and, for effect, spits little flames out the sides when fired. In short: the ED-209 fought the law and the law won.

9) Deckard's Detective Special
Deckard's Detective Special.jpg
Two triggers! One of the most heavily sold gun replicas on eBay is the Detective Special, wielded by Deckard inBlade Runner. Perfect for shooting female replicants in the back! According to several firearms blogs, the Detective Special is based off of the Steyr Mannlicher .222 Model SL action and a Charter Arms .44 Special Police Bulldog revolver. Did you just read "Mannlicher" and "Special Police Bulldog" in the same sentence? You're welcome.

8) Minority Report's Sonic Shotgun 

One of the greatest sci-fi films of the '00s also featured a standout gun, if only for a minute. As Tom Cruise is fleeing from imprisonment and his fellow pre-crime fighters, he snatches up one of their sonic shotguns and bucks them down amongst a maze of empty barrels. The scene doesn't last long, but the gun is so damn nice, as is the accompanying sound effect. "Sonic" sound effects are always awesome. The "Sick Stick" featured in the movie is also notable.

7) The Ghostbusters' Proton Pack 
Remember in middle school, when you used the urinal and there was some creep next to you who would lean over and piss into yours while saying "Don't cross the streams!" Well I hope he didn't make you hateGhostbusters or lose love for their awesome Proton Packs. The packs use a particle thrower (or, "Neutron Wand" for purists) connected to a backpack particle accelerator to keep ghouls contained while readying the ghost trap. They work because the positive energy of the proton packs attract the negative energy of the ghosts. Makes perfect sense.

6) Hellboy's Good Samaritan 
Handed down from the Torch of Liberty, the Good Samaritan is basically an enormous, Hellboy-sized revolver in design. But the devil is in the details, my friends. The grip is carved from the True Cross; pieces of wood the crucified Christ died on. The gun's steel is forged from a mixture of crucifixes, blessed silver, Irish church bells, and St. Sebastian's pubes. In short: A perfect storm of demon killing shit. (Just kidding about the pubes.)

5) Judge Dredd's Lawgiver 
Judge Dredd Lawgiver.jpg
Violence and crime and illegal sugar are an everyday part of life in Mega-City One, so the Judges carry what amounts to an entire arsenal in one convenient gun: the Lawgiver. Each Judge is designated his own Lawgiver, which recognizes the palm print of the user and will only operate for them. If someone other than the designated Judge picks up the gun, it'll explode (comics) or deliver an incapacitating shock (film). The gun can be fired using voice command, has a range of up to three miles, and features six distinct kinds of ammunition: standard, heat seeker, ricochet, incendiary, armor-piercing, and high explosive. Second Amendment indeed. PS: Diane Lane as Judge Hershey should be in everyone's top five sexy women of sci-fi. Boner shorts all around.

4) Zorg's ZF-1 Gun from The Fifth Element 

A truly outrageous weapon for a truly outrageous villain: Jean-Baptist Emanuel Zorg. It's best to let Zorg sell this one: "It's light; handle's adjustable for easy carrying; good for righties and lefties; breaks down into four parts; undetectable by X-ray; ideal for quick discreet interventions." Not to mention that the "replay" feature will fire all rounds at the same target no matter what direction the gun's aimed in. This would be great against meth addicts; they're always running in unpredictable zig-zag patterns after stealing my hubcaps.

3) The Golden Gun
The Golden Gun.jpg
From the James Bond book and film The Man With the Golden Gun, this instant kill firearm uses a 23-carat gold expanding bullet which flattens on impact. The gun belonged to Francisco Scaramanga, an assassin who started out as a trick-shot marksman in a traveling circus. But this is the Bond universe, so not only does the Golden Gun fire bullets. Oh no. It can also be used as a cigarette lighter and case, a cuff link, and a pen. The gun was also extremely popular in the Goldeneye game for N64, where it had the ability to force people to hurl their friend's controller across the room, swear, and never talk to them again. Fun Fact: In the film version, Scaramanga is portrayed by Sir Christopher Lee, who is Ian Fleming's stepcousin.

2) The Colt from Supernatural 
Supernatural - Colt.jpg
Created in 1835 for a paranormal hunter by Samuel Colt himself, the Colt comes with only 13 bullets. But that's all a hunter needs because these 13 rounds will kill ANYTHING, even beings normally immune to bullets and mystical murder methods. Dean used the final bullet to off Azazel in the season 2 finale, but white-trash Bobby has since revived the magic of the gun. Probably because the show's writers need an easy out once in awhile. I dunno, I stopped watching it after season 3.

1) Buck Rogers' Atomic Disintegrator
Buck Rogers.png
The godfather of the "ray gun," Buck's Atomic Disintegrator has been making kids go "pew pew" for more than 80 years. Its influence can be seen in pretty much every ray gun that followed. Home versions of Buck's iconic sidearm were first introduced by Daisy back in the '30s and featured a flint-strike-sparkler mechanism in the muzzle so kids could realistically fight back the Mongols. In 2007 Go Hero introduced a fancy pants replica for collectors willing to spend $175. Real guns are just ugly hunks of scrap metalcompared to this timeless piece. Long live the king. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'll Pay Later

I'll Pay Later 

simply go to MY DASHBOARD, click the START tab,
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I'll pay later or IPL
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yes! you can now borrow money from FanBox
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Below is a sample of an IPL Account Summary
for each row i label them with letters so i can better explain each of them below.

MY CURRENT iPL LiMiT - $7349.89
IPL limit is the maximum amount that you can borrow from FanBox.
each of us has different IPL limit.
all FanBoxers starts with an initial IPL limit of $100 USD,
which can be increased, in incremental steps,
with the passing of time as you achieve each qualifying step.

UTiLiZED - $211.24
if you already activated your IPL and you already used them
to fund your Ads or Boost portfolio,
you will see here how much of your IPL limit is already used.

AVAiLABLE - $7138.5
this is the remaining amount that you can still use
to fund your Ads & Boost portfolio.

each of us is given with different Processing Fee Percentage.
so far, i can see from my friends that it's around 1.54% - 1.58%
i'm not sure how it is based. but i will show you a sample computation
based on this percentage.
the minimum amount for processing fee due is $2.00.
we only pay the processing for the amount that we already utilized.
so here's an example based on the figures above..

$750.00 x 1.58% = $11.85
$750.00 x 0.0158 = $11.85

based on the computation, the amount due for processing fee is $11.85

FEE DUE - SEP-26-12
this is the due date for your monthly processing fee.

10 days after your processing fee is due,
if any portion of it remains unpaid,
a $10 USD penalty will be charged to your FanBox Bank.

After another 20 days, if any portion still remains unpaid,
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Eventually, if it still remains unpaid,
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you can pay your processing fee due by
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if you don't have Earnings Fully Matured, no Credit Card & no PayPal account,
you can Add Funds/Top-Up money to your FanBox Bank
through Western Union or Payza.
you can check the Top-Up instructions below..


yes! each month, you can effectively lower
or even completely eliminate your processing fee.
this can be accomplished by purchasing products, services or
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with each item purchased, a full third (33.3%) of your purchase price
will be automatically injected into your FanBox Bank
as a "cash back earning" - up to the amount of your
processing fee -- after your processing fee is paid.

each month, your processing fee will likely be different from th month before,
because it's likely that you have utilized a different IPL amount.
remember, you only pay a processing fee on your utilized amount,
not your IPL Limit.
also your processing fee percentage can vary slihtly each month
based on economy utilization factors that are variable.

yes, you can utilize matured earnings from your FanBox Bank
to pay off your IPL amounts owed!
in addition, you can also use your PayPal, credit card,
western union or payza account to pay off
your IPL funds utilized.

You will NOT be able to Cash Out even if you have
Earnings Fully Matured (90 days)
not unless you paid all the amount you borrowed/utilized
from you IPL Limit.


Friday, August 31, 2012

Rare Orgasm Condition


Well boys, we finally found her – the one girl you can get off without being well versed in the Kama Sutra or hung like a race horse.

In fact, you do not even have to touch this girl to get her going. No gents, this girl is doomed by a rare and incurable medical condition that causes her to have up to 100 orgasms a day for absolutely no reason at all.

Kim Ramsey has been diagnosed with Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD), which causes her body to always be in a state of arousal, and if she experiences even the slightest of movements, her “who-ha” seizes up like a slug bathing in lemon juice.

Ramsey says her condition makes it difficult to have any kind of regular life or relationship, as the pelvic vibrations she encounters on the train, in the car or simply doing household chores can bring on a blackout orgasm so fierce that it renders her helpless.

“Other women wonder how to have an orgasm,” said Ramsey. “I wonder how to stop mine.”

What’s strange is that doctors say her condition is caused by a Tarlov cyst that likely developed at the part of her spine that spawns orgasms in women after suffering a fall down the stairs in 2001. (Ladies, please do not throw yourself down a flight of stairs in order to finally achieve an orgasm.)

In 2008, Ramsey noticed that the proverbial faucet would not stop running after getting it on with her new boyfriend.

“I had constant orgasms for four days. I thought I was going mad,” she said. “We tried everything to make it stop. Squats, deep breathing, I even sat on frozen peas but the orgasms and sexual arousal continued for 36 hours – I must have had around 200 orgasms during that period. The pain and exhaustion was excruciating.”

While Ramsey has gone to see several specialists, it wasn’t until June that doctors in Pennsylvania were able to give her an official diagnosis. We bet that was an interesting series of tests.

Ramsey is planning a trip to London next month to see a PGAD expert where she hopes they can help tune back the geyser coming from her uterus.

Thursday, August 30, 2012



<script language="JavaScript1.2">
//configure shake degree (where larger # equals greater shake)
var rector=3
var stopit=0
var a=1
function init(which){
function rattleimage(){
if ((!document.all&&!document.getElementById)||stopit==1) return
if (a==1){"px"}
else if (a==2){"px"}
else if (a==3){"px"}
else{"px"} if (a<4)
function stoprattle(which){

Then copy the html of anyimage and put this after it with one space after

class="shakeimage" onMouseover="init(this);rattleimage()" onMouseout="stoprattle(this);top.focus()" onClick="top.focus()"


example below:

<a href=";current=f879d5b7.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" class="shakeimage" onMouseover="init(this);rattleimage()" onMouseout="stoprattle(this);top.focus()" onClick="top.focus()"></a>

<a href=";current=6610642_orig.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"class="shakeimage" onMouseover="init(this);rattleimage()" onMouseout="stoprattle(this);top.focus()" onClick="top.focus()"></a>

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Nasty Smells In Your House

“I’m looking for an easy, fragrance-free fix I can use everywhere.”

Bring baking soda into your house immediately. Baking soda is an inexpensive, versatile product that can freshen up many rooms in your home. In the kitchen, it’s a great way to deodorize your drains and garbage disposal. Just pour it down the drain while running warm tap water to neutralize odors quickly. You can also use baking soda on upholstery and carpet--simply sprinkle and wait 15 minutes before vacuuming, recommends Beth Greer, of Veria Living. (You’ll need several pounds for a 9” by 12” room.) In the bathroom, sprinkle baking soda on shower curtains and trashcans to inoculate odor. And for stinky sneakers, just sprinkle a small amount and leave it overnight -- it’ll absorb funky smells and extend the life of your shoes.

“My kitchen smells like the food I made last night.”

As talented as you are in the kitchen, you may not want to smell last night’s seafood paella in the morning. When this happens, simply mix a bottle of lavender with water and heat it on the stove. The calming, clean fragrance will waft around the kitchen, and spread though the home. Greer suggests doing the same with cinnamon sticks instead of lavender to create a cozy, homey experience for the senses.

    “I want to clean the air without a specific fragrance.”

    Once you’ve removed the sources of an odor, you can purify air using an all-natural remedy: placing more plants throughout your house. Some plants known to help ‘clean’ the air include Chinese evergreen, peace lily, English ivy, Bamboo palm, and Boston fern.

    “My trashcan smells bad.”

    This problem has an obvious source. Luckily, the solution is apparent, too. Sometimes the trashcan isn’t full enough to take out. Throw a few citrus peels in there for a fresh scent. Bonus: You can also do this in your garbage disposal, too.

    “I’m worried about allergies and want a natural way to freshen the air.”

    First, start by removing your home fragrance and air freshener products. “This is a much bigger problem than people realize,” said Dr. Stanley Fineman, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “About 20 percent of the population and 34 percent of people with asthma report health problems from air fresheners. We know air freshener fragrances can trigger allergy symptoms, aggravate existing allergies and worsen asthma.” Home fragrances may smell fresh, but many products contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and merely cover up odors. Why not open the windows and let the natural breeze refresh your room?

    “I need to deal with a nasty spill.”

    Here’s an insider tip house-care experts have been sharing for years: coffee grounds and dryer sheets. For a spill that is particularly smelly -- think vomit, soured milk, urine -- she wipes up the spill, then places three layers of dryer sheets on top of the spot. Above the sheets, she sprinkles coffee grounds evenly on the surface. Overnight the area will be totally deodorized. The coffee grounds are an absorbent and many aromatic molecules cling to them.

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Norman (Storm) 
2012 Success Coach